the famous golden latte



In our household, turmeric is a religion. It is to Indians the holy grail of natural medicine. There is nothing a tablespoon of turmeric in a cup of hot milk can't fix. Sore throat? Drink turmeric before bed. Runny nose? Two glasses a day will help. Scraped your knee? Rub some turmeric into it!

These days the "Golden milk" we were given growing up to ward off anything and everything has now become the HIP and trendy "Golden latte". In fact, the guardian has named the turmeric golden latte as "your 2016 drink of choice", so there is no more getting around it... and if you haven't seen it in your local cafe yet, it's only a matter of time until you do.


So what does does a golden latte actually do for you?

Most of the health benefits of a golden latte are traced back to the main compound, curcumin, which also gives turmeric its gorgeous and bright yellow colour. This compound is not easily absorbed into the body and that's why the golden latte is so important. In our golden latte blend we have added spices to help the body absorb the curcumin and by adding milk, it helps your body absorb it more effectively.


But what does it do for your body you ask?

The list of benefits are endless and there is a good reason for this, turmeric (or curcumin more specifically) is nature's most powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. So basically, it assists the entire body to combat disease. This is why when you have a common cold, turmeric is perfect, as it fights the free radicals that cause the inflammation and helps the body fight it off. 

The turmeric golden latte has also been shown to help with conditions such as arthritis, gut problems, diabetes, cholesterol, alzheimer's, cancer, a sore throat and more - It can even help you after a big night out! All of these things can cause inflammation in the body (in-fact most disease causes inflammation in the body), so if your regularly eating/drinking a natural powerful anti-inflammatory everyday you're doing wonders for your body!


How to make a golden latte

  • add 1/2 - 1 teaspoon Turmeric & Co golden latte mix to cup
  • add 1/3 cup boiling water 
  • add 1 teaspoon honey and stir 
  • top with warmed milk 
  • sip, breath and relax